Métro - Master in Architettura dell’informazione (Perugia) This image is the logo of a new Italian master in information architecture. It's a representation of information architecture in a pervasive information environment: the subway, where stations are information units and lines the possible paths and the construction of meaning.

Andrea Resmini and Luca Rosati published in 2011 a book on Pervasive Information Architecture . A Manifesto was published at the same time. Here are its subtitles:

1. Information architectures become ecosystems

2. Users become intermediaries

3. Static becomes dynamic

4. Dynamic becomes hybrid

5. Horizontal prevails over vertical

6. Product design becomes experience design

7. Experiences become cross-media experiences

I took these two references to highlight the relationship between the proposals of the authors and the discussions held in the Pédauque group on the evolution of the notion of document (see here or there). Just replace "information architecture" by "document" or better by "neodocument" in the Manifesto, or, conversely, replace "document" by "IA" in Pédauque's texts, and you'll see the similarities. More, the concepts of "UX"and "reading/writing contract" are interchangeable and the subway map is a visualization of this contract, as are codex and typographic rules for the book. So there are possible strong cross-fertilizations between the two movements.